Wednesday, April 24, 2013

FIlter Project

  • What do you think is most successful about this piece? I think the most successful part of this piece is that the filter that I used(sumi-e) makes you look at it differently.
  • What do you wish you could change? I wouldn't want to change anything I think that it is unique.
  • What was the most enjoyable part of this project for you? I liked seeing all of the different things that you can do. Also how all of the outcomes were completely different.
  • Did you find anything about this process challenging? No I did not find anything about this challenging.
  • Do you think you will use these filters in the future for anything? I possible might if I have a project where I have to use really good pictures.
  • How do you feel about your digital art skills so far? They are not very good, but my skills are slowly improving.


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Maddi's picture is very nice.The angle of the picture is good too, it makes you focus on the whole flower not just a certain part. It is very vibrant and catching to the eye. If I had to chose one thing she could of done better I would say to use a bigger variety of colors next time, but the colors are still good.

Dolphin FIlter

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Andy Worhol

Andy Warhol is known as one of the more important artists of pop art. His most popular painting is of the Campbell's soup cans. He also has hundreds of other paintings, films, and commercial advertisements. Andy Warhol was born August 6, 1928 and died February 22, 1987. The reason he died is unknown. The day before he died he had gull bladder surgery and it was good, but the next he passed away.