Thursday, May 30, 2013

  • What is your typography piece about? Why did you choose this subject? My typography was about a dolphin. I chose this subject because I like dolphins.
  • Did you choose specific words for your piece? Why did you choose the words you did? I chose a poem that I found online. I also used the words swim, dolphin, water, and blue. These words represent how dolphins swim, the dolphin itself, what dolphins live in, and the color of the water.
  • This is a tedious process, be honest! How are you feeling about typography now that your done? Hate it? Enjoying the final product? Was it worth your time? I fell that I am very bad at it I'm not a very patient person so it was tough for me. I suppose it's not that bad though, in the end it looks cool.
  • What might you try different next time? Next time I will choose an easier picture.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

 I like this picture because it looks so real. Maddi blends in great with the rock scene.
I like the picture because Maddi is up against the window looking in.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Pig Turtle In The Snow Ocean

I put snow in the ocean because you would never see that. I also put a pig head on a turtle because it was random and I liked it.

Thursday, May 2, 2013


Why did you choose these poses? I chose these poses because these a the some of the flyers poses in cheer leading. I was a flyer this is for the Varsity cheering team.
Why did you highlight the details that you did? I highlighted the bow, pom poms, and my socks because they should stand out. The bow is just a flashy piece and the pom poms is just one thing most people think of when cheer leaders are brought up. I highlighted my socks because I didn't have any shoes on when the picture was taken.
Any other little tidbits about the process? The process was hard at first then it got a lot easier as I went.